“The Role of Self-Care in Building a Successful Career: A Holistic Approach”

Manoj Gupta
2 min readMar 4, 2023


We often hear about the importance of self-care and mindfulness in our personal lives, but what about in our careers? As someone who has experienced the benefits firsthand, I firmly believe that self-care is a crucial element in building a successful career. In fact, neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and ultimately hinder your ability to reach your goals.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand what self-care really means. It’s not just about taking a bubble bath or getting a massage (although those things can certainly be part of it!). Self-care is about prioritising your mental, emotional, and physical health in order to show up as your best self at work.

So, what does this look like in practice? For me, it’s about focussing on my breathing, taking little breaks, or simple stretches. It’s about setting boundaries and saying “no” when I need to, instead of constantly overcommitting and spreading myself too thin. And it’s about making time for hobbies and activities outside of work that bring me joy and help me recharge.

But why does this matter for our careers? Simply put, taking care of ourselves allows us to show up as more effective and productive. When we prioritise our mental and emotional well-being, we’re better equipped to handle stress and challenges in the workplace. We’re also more likely to have the clarity and focus needed to make decisions and drive results.

In addition, prioritising self-care can help us stay motivated and engaged in our careers over the long term. By taking a holistic approach to our well-being, we can cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment that goes beyond just the paycheck or job title.

Of course, incorporating self-care into your career is easier said than done. It requires intentional sustained effort and a willingness to prioritise your well-being, even when it feels like there’s always more work to be done. But by taking small steps each day, you can start to build a habit of self-care that will serve you well in your career and beyond.



Manoj Gupta

Managing Director & ExecCom Member | Author of Bestseller - New York to NEW YOU | Keynote Speaker